Thursday, January 22, 2009

I became a BMXican

I finally bought a BMX for a change, after beaking everyone for riding them when I was riding my MTB.


First Day Riding = Awkward.

Last weekend we went and shoveled a line of jumps and session'd them in the cold and snowy weather. It was so awkward being back on the bike. 
Photos by Mike Kirk

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New TSG Product for 09

I got a big box today from TSG and I just knew something good had to be inside. I got two new helmets, a pair of new shin guards and a pair of knee pads!! YAY!!!

I would like to thank Ruedi @ TSG with providing me with all my gear!!


Friday, January 9, 2009

Things you can do @ dinner

Since I spoiled my  appetite for dinner, I thought I might as well go and sit at the table with the family. I became bored very fast so I took to use of my plate and what was left of the potatoes, bit of gravy for color and pickles for stunts.
The pickles are set up as a hand plant post and wall ride

Bangers From 2008

Here is some of my favorite shots from 2008

Mike Kirk
Carl Buchanan
Jason Headley
Mike Zinger

Signed with Transition for 2009!

I started riding for TBC half way through this past riding season and am officially riding for them in 2009 as well! Super stoked to be with such a great bunch of guys and I look forward to having a bunch of good guys.

The bikes I will be riding in 2009 are:

Transition Blindside
    Trail or Park

Team Color: Dark Sparkly PURPLE!!! kinda stoked!

The Snow Is Melting!!!!

The weather is finally on the positive side and the snow is melting, which means......BUILDING AND RIDING AGAIN!!! I am so exicted!

As well as January is my last day of school until grade 12! Why? Well my parents and I feel that I will be missing a lot of classes traveling to comps and filming etc. So, I talked to the career councillor at my school and he is with drawling me from OKM highschool and I will be completing my last academic online. So STOKED!!!